15 Minutes of Fame
It was Andy Warhol that said "every person will be world-famous for fifteen minutes", and though I know he had something in mind, I doubt that a blog was it. Tonight I took a meandering through blogland. Given what kind of media this is I wanted to see how people would use their few minutes of fame, and if some should really have more than the requisite fifteen minutes. What I found is that many deserve less. From the gentleman who spent a page describing how to make a dribble glass out of a can of beer, to the teen in Thailand that refereed to what as near I can tell a food court as a chomp chomp. I persevered, and wanted to know are there people out there with something more to say. I am glad to say there were, but like diamonds they were strewn apart, and somewhere more like iron pyrite (fools gold). There were the sneaky ones that start off like a bad Sam Kinison joke lulling you until suddenly they are loud and ranting at you. There were others that were just small windows into life, and though they were not intended to be masterful works of literature, they painted a picture of contemporary life, much like what a Rembrandt would look like the day after he painted it, not the 100 years later when the datedness of it all changes how we perceive it. The worst where the religious righteous and what can only be labeled as ‘Real Men’, who have some interesting views of the opposite sex. Which given how they talk probably don’t know many (though I have always been surprised that they actually do better than many other men – go figure). So what will my fifteen minutes be about? To me it’s my own editorial space. A place for the commentary I cant get the newspaper to print, or the prize committee that hands out Pulitzers to contemplate. Where will this all fit into the mosaic. Should it fit into the mosaic? Hopefully between the chomp chomp and the person yelling about how we cause all our own problems, I will find something to say.
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