Interplay and Insight

The dictionary says that interplay is reciprocal action and reaction; interaction, and that insight is the capacity to discern the true nature of a situation; penetration. I thought it was only natural to put the two together, the action to the point. A lantern to show the way in the darkness with no special place to go, and yet find a place to visit if only for a little while.

Tuesday, July 06, 2004

Dichotomy the forces in opposition

It’s an odd truth in our society how things often fall together. Of all these the oddest is the seemingly sane methodology of allowing and believing that disinterested parties with interest are disinterested.

Everyone knows the concept of allowing mice to guard the cheese. Everyone except the people we are trusting to make the rules, for they often are mice guarding the cheese of our intent.

It’s a strange system that we as people in it allow such interesting things to happen that if you take a step back make no sense. I hope to present a short list in the effort to stimulate the thought to look for more….

Privatizing prisons in a political system that favors companies over people is my first entreat. I hope its easier to see this one and make it easier to see others. Companies stepped forward to show that privatizing the prison system is better than having it run by the government that has the ability to by our rule of law to lock someone away for a crime. This is not to say that crimes should not be unpunished or rehabilitated, but is that in the best interest in a billion dollar prison system? This system is now a closed circuit, as the politicians pay the prison to warehouse people in unbalanced penalties. Unbalanced may come in question, and if so, then tell me how a person can serve less time in jail for murder, a willful act of denying a person completely of any future with them present, than a person in possession of certain substances that they are not selling. It’s easy. The number of murders is small compared to the ulterior numbers, and so there is more money in warehousing those that break one over the other. However I did mention circular, and that comes from the fact that profits from said privatized business is used to lobby for more laws and more criminal penalties until the united states is the industrialized country that has the most of its citizenry in prison, even more than other so called oppressive regimes.

How about health care and its crisis? Is it in the best interest of patients to have a corporation who’s best interest is to deny patients care. Note that no one is denying wealthy patients care, just those that pay insurance costs to be able to afford such care. How can it be better for all involved to pay a third party billions of dollars to help maintain medical care costs? Each person in a decent position in such a company earns enough to provide the care that they deny. As with any seemingly successful company they become bloated. And while saving medical facilities money by denying care, they have enough left over for large buildings, fountains, paid vacations, and lobbies. Where they can show unchallenged by a weaker opposition that their way is the cheaper way. Despite litigation, and protectionism from our politicized court system, it’s still cheaper to pay someone a salary to tell others that they have to do with out, then it is to just to not provide the service. The reason the system is the way it is, is that it is a selling point to attract new employees, benefits are part of the deal. So rather than actually say you don’t provide them, you pay a company to deny them. Its one of the few purchasable forms of absolution that we have.

In my effort to keep it short I will leave you with these thoughts, radical, as they may seem. I do hope I can find the time to add more knowing that at this time, no one is listening.